Preface: The sunset is just about my favorite thing in the world, as I believe that the best things are free and commonly available (more on that in future posts). This essay is about how I came to appreciate the sunset, a journey that took course over many years. I wrote this one for my …
Category Archives: Creative Non-Fiction Essays
What’s in a name?
Rays of flourescent yellow emanate from my lamp on a winter evening, landing on the left side of my face as my index finger hovers over the left button of my computer mouse. “Buy for $11.99”, the screen reads. My fingertip descends to rest on the button. But there’s no click. My left eye …
Stop for Mental Health
This piece is dedicated to all the people who struggle or have ever struggled with mental health, to let them know that they are loved, that their struggles are heard, that they have our support. If you or a loved one is currently undergoing such troubles, please don’t be afraid to seek help. Admitting your …